Whatever your background in music or your reasons for taking lessons, learning and playing an instrument is an experience that is open to all and fully enjoyable at any age.
Mini Beats is a pre-instrumental music class for children aged 3.5 to 6. We usually split the groups into 3 and 4 year olds, and then 5 and 6 year olds, or as close as possible.
Our music class allows children to listen to a wide range of instruments, songs and compositions in a comfortable class setting while having plenty of fun in doing so.
Mini Beats will focus on sound, rhythm, timing, pitch and composition. Children will firstly develop a memory bank of sounds and rhythms which can be recalled and related to as the listening experience evolves.
During the term students will develop a better understanding of rhythm and timing using drums and hand percussion. Next they will learn about pitch using pianos and chime bars. From here they will then compose a simple song with their teacher.
Music Appreciation class prepares children for an instrument class without investing in an instrument right away.